01.16.10 PM
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some time to load the photos.

8.1.11 A recent visitor from Germany, John Bellicchi, sent us some photographs he took in the museum's Amistad exhibition--beautiful, complex images full of shadow and reflections. At left and below are three of those photos.

It's satisfying today to look back at Yachting (Blues & Circus) Weekend and also Sentinels on the Sound--both July happenings, and remember what a great summer we're having in New London.

And it's just August 1!
8.6.11 On Saturday, Bike New London led a a bicycle tour of downtown historical sites--and we were the finale! It was part of the
annual BikeFest, held on Custom House Pier and organized by Bike New London with Barbara Neff. It's a great group, and we're always happy to participate.
8.16.11 The Eagle is back, and it has some friends. Here is the view from the alley beside the Custom House on Wednesday.
8.18.11 The Sunday crew got together tonight to wish Ivan & Brandy, our two faithful Sunday docents, farewell. They both are soon leaving us for greater adventures! You will be missed!
Ivan (left) and Brandy (right) both started volunteering at the Custon House about two years ago, and they've worked at the museum together just about every Sunday afternoon since. When we learned they'd both soon be leaving, we gave them a joint going-away party!

Ivan Metzger departs for Atlanta and Emory University on Friday (8.19.11).

Brandy Baltimore, who is in the Navy, will be leaving--possibly for active duty,      she hopes--at the end of  2011.

    We thank them for helping out--especially this year at the Chowda' Fest!

               Goodbye and Good Luck to you both!
7.30.11 Good bye Nimble Arts Circus!
See what else happened in July HERE.
8.20.11 Earlier this evening, the red ribbon was cut -- signifying the official opening New London's new mooring field..Read The Day.
8.20.11 Today, New London's newest residents, the freshman class at the USCG Academy, visited the Custom House --all 300 of them! They were greeted by Mariea Spencer and given tours by Bill LaRoue and Archie Chester. Nothing and no group is so universally admired by our crew: Welcome to NL!

8.18.11 We borrow the following from the Thames River Greenery email blast of August 18, 2011:
Where's Your Safe Harbor?
A couple of years ago we [TRG] were sitting around a table with customers and friends and sharing wine, food, and great stories about New London - A Meeting Of The Minds. And it was decided that NL offers Safe Harbor to all that come to her harbor shores.

The parade of characters we have met over the past 35+ years is truly remarkable. Musicians, Artists, Writers, Leaders, Followers, and the In-Between.  Somehow they all managed to find their way here - to New London.
At that gathering with the drinks flowing and the ideas bouncing we had the idea to create a tribute to this great city in the form of a libation. "Why not our own beer!," came the cry. - And that my friends is how it all started.

The pieces of the puzzle came together slowly. The project needed people to make the beer. People to create the packaging, people to get it out to The People, and people to push the project forward.

The great team at Cottrell Brewing stepped up to formulate the perfect combination of magic ingredients and create the special recipe. Test batches and tastings were the order of the day. And they did not stop until they got it just exactly right. The result is the best beer we have tasted in the past five years.

Dikayl Rimmasch focused his skills on the remarkable design and packaging. It was decided that the American Pin-Up style artwork of the early years be used.  It had to be reminiscent of the 40s and be a tribute to the maritime history of NL  at the same time. The girl on the label is a local - do you recognize her?

Eric Filardi and everyone at F&F Distributors went out of their way to make sure it will be available at all of your favorite places. Their army of reps will begin putting Safe Harbor out this week - 860-442-1265 - is the number to call if you can't find it in your favorite restaurant, bar, or store. 

We all like to think of Safe Harbor as the Official Beer Of The Whaling City - New London. There has already been talk of presenting each of the visiting ships that come to New London for OpSail with a case of Safe Harbor as part of the Welcome Ceremonies.

There is more to the story of course - details that are best shared over a beer or two. We hope that you will take time to try Safe Harbor American Blonde Ale this Friday night. And keep your eyes open as other events and tastings are presented throughout The City.
                                 #     #     #

The museum's part of the story is that we will have an exhibition of the graphics made to create Safe Harbor's identity on exhibition in October, in conjunction with the Fall Food Stroll.
8.20.11 This evening was Caribbean Night on the Parade Plaza in New London. It was perhaps not the biggest crown of the summer, but it was one of the happiest, most-diverse and relaxed.

Our neighbor Mombo's restaurant provided the food, and Rose's (mid-ground at left) applied glitter tattoos & face painting. Also on hand were delicious fruit ices and soft steel-drum music.

While the big Parade acts are draws for the entire region, it's nice to see our neighbors turn out for something a little more low-key.

Thanks goes to Barbara Neff  (left), the CIty's Waterfront Coordinator, who organized the event with advice from Nadesha Mijoba, of Provenance Center.

It was yet another great night in New London...
8.23.22 It has been such a beautiful week. The end of summer.
Here, at left and above, are some pictures taken on Pequot Avenue this morning.
8.24.11 Historian John Phillips and his son Trey paid a visit to New London Harbor Light on Tuesday morning. Traveling from Virginia Beach, Phillips is researching colonial lighthouses, of which this originally was one. John Phillips II and III are at left.

The ferry heads to LI, as seen from Pequot Avenue.

A tug boat gets hauled out in preparation for the weekend's huriicane.

Below, the sign for Green Harbor Beach -- which brings up a controversy: is it Green or Green's, Harbor or Harbour? Most locals agree: it's Green's Harbour.
8.25.11 Rita has been bringing her Leadership Training Workshop for young adults around town all week. On Tuesday, we spied them in Provenance Center meeting with Nadesha Mijoba and the mayor, Marty Olsen. On Thursday they visited the Custom House, where Bill LaRoue told them the Amistad story.
8.25.11 Last night, I wrote our friend in the City highway department, Joseph Jullarine, to let him know the Amistad sign, behind the Custom House, was in tough shape. The very next morning, I arrived at work and there Joseph was--taking down the sign to get it repaired! Thank you, City of New London.
8.25.11 At the same time, it is disturbing to see our Police Chief, Margartet Ackley, coming under attack. Community-friendly, Chief Ackley has made the downtown hospitable and neighborly. For example, children at the circus on the Parade this summer were 'deputized' by the police on duty (they children above are each wearing deputy badges). My cousin was deputized that day, too, and tickeled pink when she got to tour police headquarters! Now she plans to become a police officer--or a juggler.
8.25.11 What's new? Our founder's son, Craig Showalter & wife, visited New London from Ohio and we held a reception for them on Thursday evening following our monthly board meeting. Meanwhile, Archie Chester repaired our sink and Jennifer Hillhouse started plotting for some buoys we hope will soon decorate the sidewalks in front of the museum.